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Hort Agro Solution Agencies have the technical capacity and experience in production and marketing. We sensitize and help the farmers to run “Farming as a business (FAAB)” in order to realize maximum returns of their investments.


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Data collection & broad based surveys.


Promoting market linkages for agricultural produce

Farm Management / Entrepreneurship / Business strategic plans.


Smart Farming.

& Value Addition.

We aim at providing timely signals or information to the farmers to guide them in their plans to produce.

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Resilience Projects Sustainability Training

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Pastoralist who rears goat, sheep cows, camels and donkeys through extensive farming systems usually rely on sand dams for their both domestic and animal consumption. During dry season their animals suffer as result of drought. The sand water pans have therefore been constructed in order to address the issue of water shortages.

Majority of community members lack ownership and assume that the pans are for the government yet they are the ones who uses that water for both domestic and animal consumption. The community must take full responsibility and ensure there are strict and working rules to govern efficiency and effective use of water among the community members.

The training topics are diverse aimed at addressing the different challenges being faced by the pastoralists in their quest to increase agricultural productivity. These were:

  • Project sustainability.
  • Community leaders as sustainability champions.
  • Qualities of good leaders as trainers.
  • Self-sustainability through transformative thinking and attitude change.
  • Capital sufficiency and rural based financial management.
  • Principles of sustainability.
  • Sustainability approaches.

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