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  • Solar coffee driers prototype for efficient utilization of resources aimed at increasing productivity through reducing operational costs and quality improvement to ensure  high quality coffee. This mitigates high cost of labor and unfavorable weather conditions faced during the process of coffee beans dying threatening the future of the industry both in productivity and quality.

  • Pastoralist who rears goat, sheep cows, camels and donkeys through extensive farming systems usually rely on sand dams for their both domestic and animal consumption. During dry season their animals suffer as result of drought. The sand water pans have therefore been constructed in order to address the issue of water shortages.

  • Hort agro solution agencies consultants have wide experience in the fields of agriculture, project management and co-operative matters. They have undertaken various assignments and consultancies both in Embu county and Mt. Kenya region as shown below.

    Agricultural Extension Services

    Crop protection Karurumo Mango processors Two Months
    Passion pest problem in Meru Fresh link-Meru One month
    Farm advisory services Agrotech Consultant 1 year

    Farm Management

    Group Farm Management Kiamuki Dairy goat 1 years
    Business Strategies Plan for Kiio CBO Kiio CBO 5 month
    Business Management Agrotech Consultancy 6 Months

    Post-Harvest Management

    Cottage Industry Vipago Agro processors 5 months
    Marketing and Quality Control Agrotech Consultancy 3 weeks
    Fresh Produce Storage and Delivery to the Packaging Plant East Africa Growers Ltd 8 months

    Production Management

    Safe and Effective use of agro-inputs and crop pests identification and control Kithumbu Multipurpose co-operative irrigation scheme 2 weeks
    French Beans, Baby corns and Okra preparations for marketing East Africa Growers Co. Ltd 1 month
    Implementing crop insurance on weather based index Syngenta Foundation 3 months

    Market Linkage

    Horticultural Contract Farming Management Agency East African Growers Co. Ltd 3 months
    Passion fruit contracting and export marketing Kenya Horticultural Exporters 6 months
    Passion fruit production and marketing. Kenya Agricultural Productivity Project. 5 years

    Farmer Group Formations and Strengthening

    Horticultural Contract Farming Management East African Growers Co. Ltd 8 months
    Implementation of Strategic Plan Agrotech Consultancy 1 year
    Group formation and accessibility of farm inputs and bulking the produce Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture 1 year

    Other Assignments

    IV) Assignment Name: Provision of extension and market  services in fruits and vegetables value chain Country: Kenya
    Location within Country: Nyeri, Embu and Meru counties. Professional Staff provided by the firm:8
    Name of Client: Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP) Clients contact person for the assignment in Meru, Nyeri and Embu respectively.
    Start Date(Month/Year): June 2011 Completion  Date (Month/Year): 2015

    Narrative Description of project:

    Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP) was a government of Kenya initiative supported by the World Bank whose objective was to increase agricultural productivity and incomes of smallholder farmers from agricultural and agribusiness activities in the project area. The model was designed to promote Agribusiness, Private Public Partnerships, the agricultural Product Value Chain Continuum and Accountability among other virtues in the context of community driven development and the need to fulfill the world bank/GoK funding commitments.

    The focus of the model was commercialization of farming and promotion of agribusiness. Viewed from a business perspective, the yardstick for measuring the performance of any business was the level of returns or incomes accrued.

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